About Impact Berry
About the Coffee Berries

About the Coffee Impact

About our Mindset
It all started with a question: “How can we live our values?”
That question led us to quit our corporate jobs in 2018 and travel the world in search of a deeper way to connect, a new way to work, a better way to be. Of all the amazing people we met, it was the communities living in the earthquake-devastated regions of Indonesia that had the greatest impact on us.
We wanted to do something. And while volunteering and donating did help, we knew a more sustainable solution was needed. So we started looking for ways the villagers could create new streams of income. That’s when we discovered their rich heritage and expertise in coffee.
By growing, processing and distributing coffee in a responsible way that balances the needs of the consumer, the farmer and the environment, Impact Berry is providing a way forward. Good for you, good for the community, good for the planet.
If you’re asking a similar question, we have two words for you: Join us!
Let’s make a difference together.

Impact Berry